"Thank you so much for helping me give this special gift to my husband on his birthday. He loved it...Houston Badge Co. is wonderful and you and your wife made a process that a lot of people told me would be very hard...very easy. Thank you again and you will get all of my future business as well as my referrals." A.J. (GA)
2D badge pendant
2D badge pendant shown with optional Yellow Topaz
3D sculpted badge pendant
"Thank you so much!!! The mini-badge turned out great - I am very pleased with it! The detail work is incredible...I am wearing it proudly and will not hesitate to provide your company info to any officers who ask about it, as I know many of them will." PL (TX)
3D sculpted badge pendant
3D sculpted badge pendant
2D badge pendant
America's finest badge jewelry.™
Call toll free (866) 892 2343
"He is no fool who gives what he canot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
-- Jim Elliot (1927-1956)
"For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul?
Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"